I believe quality content is the most important as people will not spend time on sub quality content. However, I believe reaching audiences is a really close second, especially in today's hyper saturated (social)media environment where it's easy to be drowned out by other noise.

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Thanks Gary. I agree, but also think institutional support is under valued. The content at places like MWI or Strategy Bridge could go 💥 when the founders move on. With the Army's support of professional journals, the insights within our journals remain accessible and can teach us new lessons.

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While I would agree institutional support is important, I wonder if a revitalized institutional-nonprofit/volunteer partnership could inject some life into journals.

I wonder about the potential benefits of a mix of shorter (blog-like, online focused) and longer (journal type) articles as well.

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On the non-profit side, you might be able to find branch greybeards interested in facilitating debates through articles without as many constraints.

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