According to this article, "Currently ten Army branch journals lack book reviews altogether; this does not necessarily (sic) to change, but they could adapt the review for the future"-- and that statement is footnoted to indicate that Army Chemical Review and the Engineer and Military Police professional journals fall into that category of journals that lack book reviews. I would like to mention that all of the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence (MSCoE) professional journals (including Army Chemical Review and the Engineer, Military Police, and Protection professional journals) invite book review submissions (as indicated in the Writer's Guides for each of those publications) and, although the most recent issues of those journals may not happen to contain book reviews, such reviews are published when received and are a regular part of each of those publications.
Hi Diana, thanks for catching the mistake(s). Good to know more branch journals publish book reviews than I thought. My apologies for any misrepresentation.
As a book review editor, I'm glad to help any interested contributors get started, or to advise any journal considering adding book reviews. The best practice is when the editor assigns from books sent by publishers, but this involves staff/having a book room/postage, all kinds of additional burdens. The list I edit does not accept submissions to avoid conflicts of interest and ethical issues, but they also have the infrastructure to enforce that luxury standard. Interested in writing for H-War? Shoot me an email:
This is an excellent initiative, my contribution to an online journal for WW2 reenactors has been a series of reviews of the books they could have read at West Point or in OCS in the 1930s or during the war. It’s been very interesting for me as well.
According to this article, "Currently ten Army branch journals lack book reviews altogether; this does not necessarily (sic) to change, but they could adapt the review for the future"-- and that statement is footnoted to indicate that Army Chemical Review and the Engineer and Military Police professional journals fall into that category of journals that lack book reviews. I would like to mention that all of the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence (MSCoE) professional journals (including Army Chemical Review and the Engineer, Military Police, and Protection professional journals) invite book review submissions (as indicated in the Writer's Guides for each of those publications) and, although the most recent issues of those journals may not happen to contain book reviews, such reviews are published when received and are a regular part of each of those publications.
Hi Diana, thanks for catching the mistake(s). Good to know more branch journals publish book reviews than I thought. My apologies for any misrepresentation.
Hopefully our how-to guide can help folks get started. Book reviews offer benefits for the profession and professional!
As a book review editor, I'm glad to help any interested contributors get started, or to advise any journal considering adding book reviews. The best practice is when the editor assigns from books sent by publishers, but this involves staff/having a book room/postage, all kinds of additional burdens. The list I edit does not accept submissions to avoid conflicts of interest and ethical issues, but they also have the infrastructure to enforce that luxury standard. Interested in writing for H-War? Shoot me an email:
This is an excellent initiative, my contribution to an online journal for WW2 reenactors has been a series of reviews of the books they could have read at West Point or in OCS in the 1930s or during the war. It’s been very interesting for me as well.