**Note that this piece is by CPT Chris Amador, one of the Army’s inaugural Harding Fellows, and Ms. Tracey Remus, the talented editor of MIPB.**
On June 24, 2024, the U.S. Amy Intelligence Center of Excellence and the Directorate of Training and Doctrine celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, more commonly known by its acronym “MIPB”. We celebrated our journal in the CW2 Christopher G. Nason MI Library and Soldier Heritage Learning Center. This significant milestone stood as a testament to the hard-working military, civilian, and contracted professionals who managed, edited, produced supporting art and graphics, and published both printed issues and online articles since 1974. However, at the core of MIPB’s success are the remarkable Soldiers and Civilians of the Army MI Corps and its countless supporters who contributed articles over the years. These contributions shaped and enriched MIPB and the Military Intelligence Corps.
In honor of this 50th anniversary, a team of MI professionals curated a collection of 10 notable and representative articles from our repository published between 1976 and 2021. These articles are a testament to the rich history and evolution of our intelligence community, encapsulating the spirit of their respective decades and the diverse range of articles MIPB publishes. These articles also delve into topics that remain relevant today, offering an informative journey through the history of Army intelligence concepts, issues, and potential solutions.
MIPB continues as a significant professional development tool and strategic communication channel for Army intelligence senior leaders. Our journal delivers discussions of new concepts and capability developments, lessons learned and best practices, among other relevant content. MIPB’s first issue, at that time called MI Magazine, published in June 1974. In January 1977, the journal’s name changed to Military Intelligence. Finally, in 1993 it received its final name change to Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin, making it the journal we know today. MIPB published 185 issues between 1974 and 2021. Since then, the publication transitioned from a quarterly publication to a rolling publication with individual articles posted to the journal’s website. The MIPB staff compiles these articles semiannually into online-only collections. Additionally, MIPB periodically publishes special topic editions that are both posted to the website and printed as hardcopy for a targeted distribution.
As we commemorate the past and present, our focus is also on the future. MIPB is aligning with the Chief of Staff of the Army’s emphasis on revitalizing professional discourse through writing in Army publications and professional bulletins. USAICoE is actively involved with the Harding Project under the leadership of the Training and Doctrine Command’s Army University. In the near future, MIPB aims for universal accessibility while being device agnostic. Additionally, we aim to make the 50 years of MIPB content more easily accessible and searchable (our repositories from 1974-2021 can be found here and 2015 to the present can be found here). Of equal importance to our technology modernization efforts, MIPB will engage in a robust outreach program to socialize professional writing across the MI Corps.
As a result of these efforts, MIPB will enhance the accessibility, flexibility, and adaptability of content, reaching a wider audience of military experts and engaging them in professional discourse.